[Xymon] combine status and data in same column with graph

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Thu Nov 14 23:12:27 CET 2013

On 15 November 2013 07:05, Asif Iqbal <vadud3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> This creates only one graph. How do I create multiple graphs? one for
> foo,ds1.rrd and one for foo,ds2.rrd ?

I think the "::100" trick is related to how many lines to put onto one
mult-graph before splitting into separate graphs.  This is the "linecount"
value.  If you use "::1" then you should get two graphs, each one 1 line.
 I've never found this very predictable, and when I try to manipulate it, I
get broken graphs.  But worth you giving it a try.

Another thing you can do is output a comment saying "<!-- linecount=nnn
-->" in your status message.  Xymon detects this and sets the linecount
value for displaying graphs.  This is used by Devmon to control the number
of lines on a graph.  If you set it to 1, then you'll probably get two
separate graphs for two DSes.

Another option is to create a separate graph for each DS.  So you could

 FNPATTERN foo,(.*).rrd
        TITLE foo  - ds1 and ds2

 FNPATTERN foo,ds1.rrd
        TITLE foo  - ds1

 FNPATTERN foo,ds2.rrd
        TITLE foo  - ds2

Then in hosts.cfg, adjust TRENDS to have foo:foo|foo1|foo2 if you want all
three graphs on the trends page.  However, the status page will only show
the [foo] graph.

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