[Xymon] Xymon NetApp.pl Fails to load CPU Data

Jamison Maxwell jamison at newasterisk.com
Wed Nov 6 18:24:47 CET 2013

I've been running netapp.pl for the last couple of months, but all of the sudden I've had nothing but trouble with the CPU test. At first, it was failing to retrieve CPU data and turning yellow with no real explanation that I could find for why it was failing. Now, I've added the data tag to the bbcpucolumn in netapp.ini and it's staying purple. This would make sense if it was actually failing to return the data, however, it appears that it is in fact retrieving it correctly. I get these two log entries when I grep for cpu:

Wed Nov 6 11:05:06 2013:DEBUG: TEST=cpu, TYPE=data, EVENT=cpu, SENDTYPE=2, TESTLIVE=Server Default, SUMREPTIME=0
Wed Nov 6 11:05:06 2013:DEBUG: BBDISPLAY: $XYMONSERVER, hostname: $FILERNAME, type: data, event: cpu, time: 00:00:01, color=green

Now, to my untrained eyes it appears that it's trying to send a green status to Xymon, which is further backed up by having no holes in my RRD graph. I would really appreciate any suggestions for how to proceed as I am at a loss.

Jamison Maxwell
jamison at newasterisk.com<mailto:jamison at newasterisk.com>
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