[Xymon] How does Xymon save state between server reboots?

cleaver at terabithia.org cleaver at terabithia.org
Tue Jan 29 02:06:42 CET 2013

> Just curious: does anyone know how Xymon retains host / service state
> information between reboots of the Xymon server? I mean, if you have
> Host_A with services in various states, and then you bounce the Xymon
> server, does the server re-acquire all the services / states for Host_A
> from scratch, or does it retain any state information from somewhere on
> disk?

xymond is (normally) configured with the --checkpoint-file and --restart
options set, which specifies the location of the file where all of this is
saved between restarts.

'man xymond'

  With regular intervals, xymond will dump all of its internal state to
this check-point file. It is also dumped when xymond terminates, or when
it receives a SIGUSR1 signal.

  Specifies the interval (in seconds) between dumps to the check-point
file. The default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).

  Specifies  an existing file containing a previously generated xymond
checkpoint. When starting up, xymond will restore its internal state
from the information in this file. You can use
the same filename for "--checkpoint-file" and "--restart".


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