[Xymon] Android 2.2 App

henrik at hswn.dk henrik at hswn.dk
Thu Nov 3 12:55:45 CET 2011

On Thu, 3 Nov 2011 07:01:32 -0400, Ralph Mitchell
<ralphmitchell at gmail.com>
> Henrik, has the format of hobbitdboard / xymondboard changed much
> versions??  It would be fairly easy to make that available via a cgi
> and it would be easier to parse than html.

No, this format is fairly static - and you can make it entirely "fixed" by
adding a "fields" option to select the data-items you are interested in.

But to pick only the hosts that appear on a specific page must be done on
the Xymon server - you don't want to download a lot of info to the
smartphone, just to throw it away later (unless you have a flat-rate data
plan for your smartphone, and I don't).

And when we have to code the filtering, we may just as well add the code
to provide the data in a standardized format. Something similar to the
xymondxboard output, probably.


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