[Xymon] how to split xymon display and xymon network test servers

Steve Holmes sholmes42 at mac.com
Tue Mar 8 19:33:35 CET 2011

I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that after all this time using Xymon (and
Hobbit and BB before that) I did not realize until today that Xymon does not
use the keywords BBDISPLAY, BBNET and BBPAGER. So, now I have a need to
split BBNET from the others and have been looking at the email archives and
man pages but have found no explanation of how to do it.

Note I'm still on Xymon 4.2.3.

All I need is a pointer to instructions for how to configure what would be
the BBNET server. The hobbitserver.cfg file talks about 'this server', but
the variables there seem to be explicitly talking about the display server,
so I'm confused. I know I need to run bbtest-net on the network test server,
but how do I get it to send data to the display server?

Steve Holmes
ITaP/ITSO/Unix Systems Administration
Purdue University
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