[Xymon] Reversing the effects of a 'bb "drop HOSTNAME TEST"' command

Buchan Milne bgmilne at staff.telkomsa.net
Thu Mar 3 09:29:22 CET 2011

----- "Jonathan B. Horen" <jbhoren at alaska.edu> wrote:

> !@#$%
> I've never been good a dealing with the aftermath of purple alerts,

Why do you get so many purple alerts, and why is there an "aftermath" ?

> and always end-up using brute-force to remove all hostname references
> in $XYMON/data.


> But this time I really screwed-up and ran
> bb "drop HOSTNAME TEST"
> for the purple-affected hosts... and now I can't get 'em back!

They were purple because they were not being reported (e.g. the client was running, or running with wrong host name, or bbnet was not testing them for some reason). Getting them back (to show on the display) takes the same steps as resolving the original purple problem, get them to be reported on ...

> I need help/suggestions/advice

If you want the historical data too, restore from backup (data/hist/${MACHINE}.${test} and data/histlogs/${MACHINEDOTS}/${test})


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