[xymon] alternative to bb command

Buchan Milne bgmilne at staff.telkomsa.net
Fri Sep 3 10:12:44 CEST 2010

On Friday, 3 September 2010 00:49:30 Jason Kincl wrote:
> Hello!
> I am wondering if using netcat instead of bb to send status updates to a
> xymon server is a bad idea?

What prevents you from using bb?

In the cases where I can't install bb, I can't have netcat either, so I use 

> The bb program seems to just be sending text
> through to the server and netcat can duplicate that functionality.

It receives text as well, when using e.g. hobbitdboard, hobbitdlog etc.

> So far, my testing has been good. The status updates work as expected
> however in trying to drop the test status using netcat from the xymon
> server did not seem to work and this has raised a small flag.
> For example:
> echo "status machine,example,com.test clear TEST STATUS" | nc
> xymon.example.com 1984

Make a directory Xymon, place Client.pm in this directory, set the PERL5LIB 
environment variable to the parent directory of the Xymon directory you 
created, then run bb.pl as if it is bb.


We may start integrating some of the perl modules various people have been 
working on in future releases, see

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