Project Volunteer List

Neil Franken nfranken at
Thu Jul 1 13:21:21 CEST 2010

Hi All

Ok before all our responses get lost in the mail I have composed a list
of people that volunteered so far. Please add your name if you not on
1) TJ Yang
2) Neil Franken
3) Buchan Milne (via Developers List)
4) Lennon, Padraig

I think TJ Yang will probably be co admin unless we want more than 1
co-admin. With all due respect to all we will need to finalise this so
we can get some rubber on the road. So I suggest that we close the list
of by Monday next week? Once this list in finalized we can then break up
the remaining work and get down to brass tacks.


PS. I will post this on the Developers list as well.

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