Customisation and Migration from BB->Xymon

John Marks jw_mark at
Wed Dec 22 15:12:29 CET 2010

Hi all,

We are currently looking at moving from BB to xymon. 

I've been wanting to move us over to Xymon for ages and am excited by  the fact 
I finally have enough management backing to undertake the  shift!

I've read as much as I can find and the discussion in
 was quite helpful in many ways, but I still have some questions that I'd like 
to ask....

We currently have a Operations center that gets to watch a couple of different 
monitoring products, BB being one of them. 

The BB implementation was historically customised in a couple of ways,  some of 
which can be dropped but a couple below would be significant to Operations.

 * Is there a way of displaying all currently RED or PURPLE (no Yellow) alerts 
without playing with the source? *
Currently, operations only perform an escalation on RED/PURPLE alerts, so it 
seems that a hack was done to the bbgen/pagegen.c code that created the bbnk 
pages such that for ALL hosts it only displayed hosts which had Red or Purple 
alerts on them. Can something like this be done natively with Xymon without 
needing to configure each host separately? This almost looks like something the 
Critical Editor/view should be able to provide?

* Is there a simple way to still have "unregistered" hosts show up in the "bb2" 
page? * 

The other one would be the fact that we often have new clients installed by the 
admins without the BB admin being informed expeditiously. With BB these would 
still show up in bb2.html. With the bbgen implementation, a method was found to 
provide a similar result, but it relies on the files in bbvar/logs to do it 
(which don't exist by default with Xymon). 

Also any hints or tips about migration and/or migration approach would be great. 
Is there anything special about creating an "Active/Active" Xymon environment 
for redundancy?

Some background information about the environment in case it helps.

About 1,000 entries in bb-hosts about 50% are Windows/Unix boxes and 50% network 
kit. One of the drivers for migration is an expectation of an additional 50-80% 
increase in servers through more intergration.
Currently running BB 1.9c server (on AIX) with 1.9c clients on AIX, RHEL and a  
small amount of Solaris. Windows clients currently run a BB client of  1.08d.
Using bbgen-3.6 to create the web pages.
Operations alert on Red and Purple's the Yellows are currently used by the local 
support towers to do more pro-active fixes before Operations needs to escalate.
The idea is to move to Xymon on RHEL most likely starting on a VMWare guest 


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