logfetch "trigger" option doesn't appear to work as documented

j.sansford at ntlworld.com j.sansford at ntlworld.com
Thu Oct 22 11:58:27 CEST 2009

Hi all,

it seems the logfetch "trigger" option doesn't work as documented for our clients. We have configured in client-local.cfg:

trigger scsi

And in hobbit-clients.cfg:

LOG /var/adm/messages "%scsi: WARNING" COLOR=RED

My understanding is that because of the option "trigger", that the client should send all lines in the log file with the pattern "scsi" in it to the xymon server. In my experience however this is not the case and it just sends the last 10240 bytes. Have I configured something incorrectly or does the trigger command not work? I have also checked on the client that the logfetch cfg file contains the trigger option, which it does.

Many thanks,

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