[hobbit] bbegn --docurl and Legend Question

wiskbroom at hotmail.com wiskbroom at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 12 21:33:43 CET 2009

> wiskbroom at hotmail.com wrote:
> > 1.  I would like to hyperlink all of my hosts, perhaps with a few
> > excludes, to something using the following?
> >
> > ~/server/bin/bbgen --docurl=http://systeminfo/ServersForm.aspx?name=%s
> >
> I'm not sure why you didn't add the --docurl option to the BBGENOPTS=
> configuration in etc/hobbitserver.cfg.  Maybe that might help...

Thank you Alan, the entry, which I overlooked, works like a charm.  How
can I make that popup another window as opposed to a total redirection?

> > 2.  My prior version of BB BTF has a legend at the bottom, is their
> > any way to show the legend at the bottom of xymon?  A few of my users
> > are asking for this as they are clueless to what the icons all mean.
> >
> Xymon doesn't do that by default, but with a minor hack to the
> web/bb_footer file, you can emulate it.  I have something like the
> following, that replaces the big <TABLE> chunk in bb_footer:

This makes sense, I will give a shot.

Thanks again,


> <TABLE SUMMARY="Bottomline" WIDTH="100%">
> <TR>
>   <TD COLSPAN="7"> <HR WIDTH="100%"> </TD>
> </TR>
> <TR>
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>         <IMG SRC="&BBSKIN/green.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" BORDER="0"
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> </TR>
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> COLOR="silver"><B><A HREF="http://hobbitmon.sourceforge.net/"
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> </TR>
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