[hobbit] Hobbit colors/icons

Cleaver, Japheth jcleaver at soe.sony.com
Mon Mar 9 18:26:25 CET 2009

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kip, D. - GDI/SNB [mailto:d.kip at gdi.minjus.nl]
> Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 9:52 AM
> To: hobbit at hswn.dk
> Subject: RE: [hobbit] Hobbit colors/icons

> A recently red state should attract my attention, as well as a recent
> yellow state. But a longterm red state should practically be screaming
> at me and be as annoying as possible! Also a longterm yellow state
> should encourage me to make the problem go away. So all of these
> at least have some form of blinking or movement to catch your eye,
> slow breathing for the first 24 hours, then fast and at irregular
> intervals when they stay for too long.

[Cleaver, J.C.] 
Perhaps we're thinking too discretely on this. How about an
SVG-generated (or pick of many pre-generated images) on a continuum of
noticability? For example, a recently OK service could be based around a
bright green -say, #00FF00- which slowly changes over the course of the
next 24-48 hours to a #339933 icon (or whatever the background color
is). Instead of simply "important" and "static" icons, let the display
generator gradually modify the annoyance of a given problem.

> Purple I have my doubts about. Of course it's bad when a check does
> function properly. But at least to me, it basically only means someone
> forgot to start the hobbit/xymon client ;) I personally don't need
> blinking annoyance here, but I may be missing out on something.

[Cleaver, J.C.] 
I agree that that's usually the only problem, but I think it's
definitely something that should be given annoyance. In my experience, a
"dead client" is often just waiting on something; caused by either a
disk full condition, a hung NFS mount, or something else I do actually
care about. But even if it died for no reason, that's still a "blind
spot" in your monitoring and is IMHO dangerous.


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