[hobbit] Configuration explanation needed.

Mark Hinkle hinkman at hinkman.com
Tue Feb 24 20:57:48 CET 2009

> What about multicore CPU's here?

This may be a better question for the OS, not xymon. Xymon is only 
reporting what the server says for load/cpu usage (or for any other 
value for that matter). Based on your disk "C" reference, I am assuming 
you question pertains to windows. When I pull up the Task Manager on 
Windows, there is a "CPU Usage" monitor/graph/thingy that is reporting a 
single value regardless of the number of CPU's the machine has. It is my 
belief that this is the value being reported (although I am not involved 
in development of bbnt, etc.) For *nix, the "load" is not really a 
direct function of the number of cpu's, it is (if I recall correctly) a 
count of processes in the run queue. I don't know if "CPU Usage" under 
windows is the same thing or some type of aggregation/averaging, etc. 
Hope this helps.


Mark L. Hinkle
hinkman at hinkman.com

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