Extra graph parameters.

David Peters davidp at electronf.com
Sun Dec 6 07:11:19 CET 2009

I thought you could just add extra rrdtool graph commandline parameters to
the hobbitgraph file for a graph section and hey presto it would use them.
This seems to work for some and not for others. (eg -e and -A work)

It may be a more generic issue related to parameter assumptions within the
code, but anyway, I added a some code to handle a couple of additional
directives in hobbitgraph.cfg. (RSCALE, RFORMAT and RLABEL - in order to add
a different scale to the right hand y axis.) 

Should I look deeper into the code and see why --right-axis scale:shift,
--right-axis-format and --right-axis-label seem to get ignored if I add them
to hobbitgraph.cfg.

Or should I just use the code that I now have that uses my Hobbit specific

Or am I missing something entirely altogether?

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