[hobbit] Using Hobbit to monitor a specific port for availability?

Ralph Mitchell ralphmitchell at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 20:05:39 CET 2008

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Callahan, Tom <CallahanT at tessco.com> wrote:

>  How would I get hobbit to monitor a specific port to ensure it is
> listening? For instance, I want to monitor a Java program that listens on
> port 8888, but just want hobbit to check if it can connect, and then
> disconnect.
> How could I do this?

I've got a couple of systems on my display that are "port pings".  There may
be a more efficient way to do it, but what I have in bb-hosts is:

    a.b.c.d hostname.domain.com    # telnet:1494

The Hobbit network tester telnets to port 1494 and either gets a connection
or not.  If not, that's a red dot.  I have no idea what's supposed to be on
port 1494, but there's a little bit of text returned that says "ICA" so
maybe it's a Citrix server.

On several recent occasions when it failed, the response logged was:

   Service telnet on hostname.domain.com is not OK : Service unavailable
(Connection reset by peer)

Ralph Mitchell
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