[hobbit] http network test

Anna Jonna Armannsdottir annaj at hi.is
Wed Jan 30 10:17:41 CET 2008

On þri, 2008-01-29 at 17:03 -0600, Ralph Mitchell wrote:
> I've got a few instances of
>      a.b.c.d   www.server.com     # http://www.server.com/
> and the http column shows up just fine,  including the time the test
> took and a nice graph.
> The question I was just asked is, is it possible to specify "max
> response time", so that if the time shown is greater than N seconds I
> get a red flag??  I don't see a way to set that in the man pages for
> either bb-hosts or hobbit-client.cfg.

There is the possibility to use a per host test e.g.: 

a.b.c.d www.server.com # http://www.server.com/
badhttp-06-0000-2359:3:5:8 badhttp-12345-2200-0659:3:5:8

This specifies the number of times the test has to be 
yellow or red, in order to actually siglal yellow or red 
(to the alert module- correct me if i am wrong here). 

I suggest that this may be seen as your time N (in seconds)
given by T*yellow and T*red . T is the time between tests 
or retests. 

In the working hours, I get a 
warning if http is down for T*2 or more, and an 
alert if it is down for T*3 minutes or more. 

Some clarification may be called for here. 

The beauty of this, is that it can be configured per 
time of day or day of the week as is done in the 
example. BTW. I am actually using this. :) 

Kindest Regards, Anna Jonna Ármannsdóttir,       %&   A: Because people read from top to bottom.
Unix System Aministration, Computing Services,   %&   Q: Why is top posting bad?
University of Iceland.

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