risks of using 4.3 snapshot in production?

Tom Georgoulias tomg at mcclatchyinteractive.com
Mon Jan 14 16:09:51 CET 2008

I'm about to upgrade the OS on my production hobbit server and was 
considering using a 4.3 snapshot instead of my usual 4.2 setup.  I've 
been experiencing a memory leak with hobbitd_rrd in 4.2 that was caused 
when I applied the split-ncv patch last year, and it'd be nice to pick 
up the fix that is already in 4.3.  The 4.3 snapshots I've tested seem 
ok, but the data set they are working with is much smaller than my prod 
server uses.  Looking over the change logs on the hobbit demo site, it 
seems like snmp is where most of the devel work is happening and 
everything else is unchanged.  We don't need hobbit for snmp right now, 
so I'm ok if that part doesn't work.

Is there a list of outstanding bugs that I can look over?

And of course, the obvious--is this a stupid idea?

Any input is welcome.


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