[hobbit] Monitoring FLEXnet License Manager

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Apr 30 13:28:27 CEST 2008

In <1209549088.9955.43.camel at ripley.rhi.hi.is> Anna Jonna Armannsdottir <annaj at hi.is> writes:

>For those that have absolutely no
>idea of what I am talking about, 
>this is a license manager, that 
>among other things, is used for 
>Matlab, Abacus, Maple and other 
>engineering software. It runs 
>as a network daemon, usually 
>on port 27000 or close to that. 

Wouldn't there be some commandline utility from the FLEXnet package that you 
can use, e.g. to query the number of currently in-use licenses ? As long as it
contacts the network daemon it can be used to check that the daemon is 
running, and then you can probably make a custom test wrapper around the
command line tool, and generate the Hobbit status based on this.


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