Strange "problem" with refreshes

Scott Wilson swilson at
Fri Oct 26 02:09:04 CEST 2007

Problem is a bit of a strong word, but it is annoying.

I'm in the process of switching from and old Big Brother server to a 
Hobbit server.  All in all, Hobbit is far and away better.  But there is 
one nagging difference.

When I scroll down in a web page on my Big Brother server, and then reload 
(either the auto reload, or manually reloading) my web browser stays at 
the same position.  With Hobbit, all reloads start me back up on the top 
of the page.

This is particularly annoying if I scroll down and I'm looking at a 
specific host.  When the automatic reload happens, I'm bumped up to the 
top and have to scroll down again.

I've tried playing around with the header and removing things that were 
different from my Big Brother headers, and it didn't matter.  I also 
doublechecked that there was nothing odd in my Apache config... and I 
couldn't find anything.

Does anyone have any ideas what is up with this?  Or is it simply 
something I'll have to live with to use the otherwise superior Hobbit?
I've tried searching both this archive and Google, and I haven't come up 
with anything.


Scott Wilson                    Lead System Administrator
swilson at            NSIT - DCS - SeaSol

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