[hobbit] big brother replacement

Josh Luthman josh at imaginenetworksllc.com
Thu Nov 1 23:35:21 CET 2007

I'm not entire sure what you mean when you reference the failover
capability.  Could you please explain how this works?  I'm interested in
knowing how the hostname reflects to what IP addresses, hardware running
what software specifically, etc.  Coming from BB1.9btf I don't know of many
expansions between 1.9 and 3.3.

We had some discussion about multiple servers and redundancy just a short
while ago:

On 11/1/07, Sloan <joe at tmsusa.com> wrote:
> Hello list,
> It's that time of year again - we're looking for alternatives to our
> aging bb infrastructure - although it's been helped by the bbgen
> extensions, it is showing it's age, and is getting harder to support as
> time goes by.
> Of all the potential replacements we've looked at, I don't really like
> any of them - the commercial bb stuff is uninspiring, and their linux
> support is lacking. The other solutions tend to be heavyweight j2ee and
> database apps, or oddities like nagios. What I'd really love to find is
> something like an up-to-date version of big brother+bbgen, something
> like hobbit.
> Unfortunately, last I checked, hobbit still lacked a crucial capability
> that we depend on, the built-in bb failover mechanism. We have 2 data
> centers, several hundred miles apart, with bb servers in several lans at
> both sites. Each bb server has a twin at the other location, and they
> both monitor the servers in both data centers, but only one of the bb
> servers does reporting, as determined by the failover state. The bb
> failover has worked marvelously, and has kept bb firmly in place so far,
> despite the other advantages of hobbit.
> So, the $64 question: Is there anything in hobbit, or on the horizon,
> which will allow hobbit to serve as a drop-in replacement for bb,
> including the failover capability?
> Thanks for your words of wisdom.
> Joe
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Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
--- Henry Spencer
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