[hobbit] DURATION rules for specific host alerts

Daniel Bourque dbourque at weatherdata.com
Fri Jun 22 17:12:32 CEST 2007

Why would you not want the status to change ? Such a history log is 
great for troubleshooting.

if you don't want to be notified about it, just use this in the 


if you don't want it to change the status color on the parent pages , 
then use NOPROPYELLOW:cpu in the bb-hosts file.

if you REALLY don't want it to change status, increase the LOAD numbers 
in the hobbit-clients.cfg file.


Gary Baluha wrote:

> Is there a [non-messy] way to set a DURATION rule for a specific host 
> alert?  Basically, what I'm thinking of is something like this:
> In hobbit-clients.cfg
> HOST=myhost
>     LOAD 20 30 DURATION>5m
> The effect being, the status of the "myhost" cpu alert will only 
> change to yellow/red if the load is above the appropriate threshold 
> for more than 5 minutes.
> There are a few hosts that occasionally will spike above the cpu load 
> thresholds, but only for a few minutes (usually around 5 min at most), 
> and then recover on its own.  However, I don't want to raise the 
> thresholds, because a sustained load (more than 10 minutes) at this 
> level _is_ actually a critical event.  It's just not critical if it is 
> just a momentary spike.
> My specific example is with cpu load, but it could be for other things 
> too, such as process counts, memory, or even in some situations, disk 
> space.

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