[hobbit] Restarting failed processes on the client

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Jul 11 16:13:56 CEST 2007

On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 02:01:13PM +0200, Thomas Kaehn wrote:
> But is there also a proper way in Hobbit to take action on failed
> processes?

No. Hobbit only monitors things, it doesn't act to recover from
any failures.

If You really want this, then the easiest way is probably to
have a script on the Hobbit server that handles the service
restart, and trigger it from an alerting script. Here's how:

First, setup monitoring of the "sshd" process in hobbit-clients.cfg 
    PROC sshd GROUP=ssh 
You need the "GROUP" setting to be able to distinguish between
different types of "procs" alerts.

Next, create /usr/local/bin/sshRecover.sh with the commands needed 
to restart ssh - you can use $BBHOSTNAME to get the name of the host 
that has the problem. 

Finally, in hobbit-alerts.cfg you should have
    HOST=hostA,hostB,hostC SERVICE=procs GROUP=ssh
        SCRIPT /usr/local/bin/sshRecover.sh 0
to trigger the sshRecover.sh script when the "procs" column
goes red due to the "sshd" process missing. The "0" at the end
is a mandatory parameter in hobbit-alerts.cfg (the "recipient"
if you read the man-page) but here it's just a dummy parameter.


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