[hobbit] Monitoring Cisco routers

T.J. Yang tj_yang at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 11 15:44:43 CET 2007

>From: "Lund, Holly" <holly.lund at hq.doe.gov>
>Reply-To: hobbit at hswn.dk
>To: hobbit at hswn.dk
>Subject: RE: [hobbit] Monitoring Cisco routers
>Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:37:52 -0500
>I am installing hobbit 4.2 on a solaris 10 zone
>I cannot get hobbitping to work
>                  Cannot get RAW socket: Permission denied
>I believe this to be an issue with solaris 10 zones
>Is there some way around this?
>I added the lines to hobbit lines
>In /etc/user_attr:
>hobbit::::profiles=Hobbit Commands
>In /etc/security/exec_attr:
>Hobbit Commands:solaris:cmd:::/usr/local/hobbit/server/bin/hobbitping:uid=0
>In /etc/security/prof_attr:
>Hobbit Commands:::Hobbit Commands:
>that i found on a wiki site but to no avail

I remember I got same problem when trying to follow the instruction on 
hobbit wiki.
I ended up setuid on fping command for now.

>Holly Lund

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