[hobbit] Vmstat graph on redhat as 2.1 & 3
thomas.seglard.enata at cnp.fr
thomas.seglard.enata at cnp.fr
Fri Mar 24 20:07:41 CET 2006
No, it's my own fault !
I do not give so much information in my mail. So I will try to give more
here :
I'm using Hobbit 4.1.2p1 and my problem happens on Redhat AS 2.1 and 3.
The problematic vmstat graphs are identified as vmstat and vmstat1.
I'm actually looking into the source code of hobbit and I found a file
called hobbitd/rrd/do_vmstat.c
I paste some parts of the source code :
/* This one is all newer Linux procps versions, with kernel 2.4+ */
/* NOT compatible with LARRD 0.43c */
static vmstat_layout_t vmstat_linux_layout[] = {
{ 0, "cpu_r" },
{ 1, "cpu_b" },
{ -1, "cpu_w" }, /* Not present for 2.4+ kernels, so log as
"Undefined" */
{ 2, "mem_swpd" },
{ 3, "mem_free" },
{ 4, "mem_buff" },
{ 5, "mem_cach" },
{ 6, "mem_si" },
{ 7, "mem_so" },
{ 8, "dsk_bi" },
{ 9, "dsk_bo" },
{ 10, "cpu_int" },
{ 11, "cpu_csw" },
{ 12, "cpu_usr" },
{ 13, "cpu_sys" },
{ 14, "cpu_idl" },
{ 15, "cpu_wait" }, /* Requires kernel 2.6, but may not be
present */
{ -1, NULL }
and here is my vmstat's output on redhat AS 2.1 (kernel 2.4.18-e.31smp) :
procs memory swap io system cpu
r b w swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy
Unlike comment I got a 'w' column...
Now, I paste another part :
* This one is for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3. Identical to the "linux"
* except Red Hat for some reason decided to swap the cpu_wait and
cpu_idle columns.
/* NOT compatible with LARRD 0.43c */
static vmstat_layout_t vmstat_rhel3_layout[] = {
{ 0, "cpu_r" },
{ 1, "cpu_b" },
{ -1, "cpu_w" },
{ 2, "mem_swpd" },
{ 3, "mem_free" },
{ 4, "mem_buff" },
{ 5, "mem_cach" },
{ 6, "mem_si" },
{ 7, "mem_so" },
{ 8, "dsk_bi" },
{ 9, "dsk_bo" },
{ 10, "cpu_int" },
{ 11, "cpu_csw" },
{ 12, "cpu_usr" },
{ 13, "cpu_sys" },
{ 14, "cpu_wait" },
{ 15, "cpu_idl" },
{ -1, NULL }
} ;
and my vmstat's output from a redhat AS 3 :
procs memory swap io system cpu
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy
wa id
This time, order is correct but my not my graphs !! Hobbit considers this
version of redhat like a normal linux box and not a rhel3.
So, how Hobbit does recognize the os ? Indeed, my redhat AS 2.1 and 3 are
recognized as a linux not a rhel3...
I'm putting here the corresponding fields :
RH 2.1
vmstat's output hobbit's graph
idle cpu_wait
sys cpu_idl
usr cpu_sys
cs cpu_usr
vmstat's output hobbit's graph
idle cpu_wait
iowait cup_idl
sys cpu_sys
usr cpu_usr
How could I fix that ? May I add new structures in the do_vmstat.c called
linux_rhas21 and linux_rhas3 or something ? As I say before there is no
problem on redhat AS 4.
Thanks for your help !
> Oh,
> my mistake. You are using hobbit and I use the "old BB".
> Hobbit has a "build in" LA/RRD-engine and because of that you don't have
> the vmstat-larrd.pl script.
> Sorry but I'm not able to give you an advice on how to handle this...
> johann
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