[hobbit] please enable non-interactive configure

T.J. Yang tj_yang at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 29 17:08:06 CEST 2006

>From: henrik at hswn.dk (Henrik Stoerner)
>Reply-To: hobbit at hswn.dk
>To: hobbit at hswn.dk
>Subject: Re: [hobbit] please enable non-interactive configure
>Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 16:43:15 +0200
>On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 09:21:12AM -0500, T.J. Yang wrote:
> > Can you modify the related scripts to provie trully non-ineractive
> > configure process ?
>See the "configure" commands in the debian/rules file. You can do
>some things with configure options, but the really simple way of doing a
>non-interactive build is through environment variables passed to the
>configure script. E.g. (from the debian/rules file):
>         USEHOBBITPING=y \
This is what I missed, once I set "USEHOBBITPING=n", the external fping got 


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