Unwanted delay in hobbit alerts

Brian Bernstein bernie9998 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 22:26:50 CEST 2006

It seems that hobbitd_alert for whatever reason, is sending alerts
only once every half hour.

In other words, if I was to test an alert as such:
bbcmd hobbitd_alert --test [hostname] [test]

It will immediately output that it found a matching rule, and states
the action being taken
(mail -s etc. . .), however, the notification will not come up in the
notifications.log or in the mail server logs until either :06 or :36
past the hour.

Also, the output of the resulting messages in the alerts are time
stamped just before the message is sent/received as opposed to when
the command was first called to run the test.

I have not tested to see if this happens when a machine actually goes
down (the test in question for this particular alert), just with the
test option in hobbitd_alert (actually, the host I've chosen for the
test was already down).

The alert rule in question is rather simple:
MAIL [user]@[server].[tld] RECOVERED

Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.


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