[hobbit] New hosts don't apear until they have at least one column

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Thu Feb 23 17:33:55 CET 2006

On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 05:24:10PM +0100, Frédéric Mangeant wrote:
> when you add a host in a new page, the host doesn't show up until at 
> least one test result has been sent.
> Maybe it would be useful to display the host, as the "info" column is 
> always present ?

The problem is that internally, Hobbit doesn't have an "info" column. It
is generated on-the-fly - but Hobbit does that on the basis of the hosts
it knows about from other test results.

But this is a recent regression; it should build at least the info
column for all hosts listed in the bb-hosts file. So - consider it a


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