[hobbit] graph scale

Johann Eggers johann.eggers at teleatlas.com
Tue Feb 7 17:42:43 CET 2006

Lardinois, Pierre wrote:

>I try to graph the result of CPU tests (from network boxes). It's working
>well but I have a problem of scale. There is a factor of 100 missing. The
>data that I receive is good (I display it into the result test) but when the
>CPU is at maximum (100%), I see 1.0 on the graph.
>Here the configuration of "la", I use that to graph the CPU.
>Part of hobbitgraph.cfg :
>        TITLE CPU Load
>        YAXIS Load
>        DEF:avg=la.rrd:la:AVERAGE
>        CDEF:la=avg,100,/
^--  CPU values are divided by 100 --^

>        AREA:la#00CC00:CPU Load Average
>        -u 1.0
>        GPRINT:la:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)
>        GPRINT:la:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)
>        GPRINT:la:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)
>        GPRINT:la:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n
>Here a part of hobbitserver.cfg :
>With others CPU test on Windows servers, I have the same problem. With some
>Unix servers, it's work a little bit more on some servers.
>Do you have a solution to help me ?
>Thank you very much,
>Valéry Guilleaume
>vguilleaume at be.tiauto.com

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