[hobbit] upgrade to 4.0.4, barrage of purples forhttp/smtp/dns queries

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Thu Jun 16 07:30:49 CEST 2005

On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 01:32:50PM -0700, Bruce Lysik wrote:
> > What you are looking for is bbtest-net not running...
> Is there a process for this?  I don't see it.  Or is there a specific log I can see this in?

You'll only see this as a process when it runs. You can see in the
hobbitlaunch.log file when it was started
   2005-06-16 07:26:50 Task bbnet started with PID 28254

> (I added an ntp check which wasn't showing up, and after I stopped hobbit I noticed a few 
> spawned ntpdate processes sticking around.  Probably unrelated.)

No, it's quite possible that you've found the real problem.

Adding the ntp test causes bbtest-net to run "ntpdate". If that command
hangs, bbtest-net will stall waiting for it to complete. So if ntpdate
never completes, your network tests will stop being updated because
it is waiting forever for this command to complete.


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