cpu disk procs - need the client for that?

Hobbit, Visions.se hobbit at visions.se
Tue Jul 12 18:24:30 CEST 2005


New here, was looking through the first 4 months of the mailarchive for 
the answer but none could be found.

I've build and installed hobbit server 4.0.4 stable release and 
everything seems ok. I was running bb19c before without any mods and 
this looks like a really nice and fast system.

I need the servers to send their cpu/disk/procs data to the hobbit 
server but I cant seem to be able to build the hobbit client 0.3 on 
CentOS 4.0. Config passes through without a notice and but it fails on make.

Or is there a way to utilize bb19c disk/cpu/procs scripts for it? bb is 
still running on the servers that act like bb-clients but doesnt seem to 
be able to send the data (yes, ports are open - e.i. 1984 tcp in/out and 
firewall reloaded with new rules).

Thanks for any answers

Kind Regards,
David Majchrzak

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