[hobbit] hobbit bea graphing

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Thu Jan 20 17:30:21 CET 2005

On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 10:12:01AM -0600, rwaegner wrote:
> I noticed a "bea[2][3]" definition in the hobbitgraph.cfg file. How do I
> enable the monitoring/graphing of bea weblogic servers? That would
> absolutely be a blessing!!!

It's "work-in-progress" currently.

I've enabled the SNMP agent on some BEA servers, and use a simple
script to collect memory statistics from the JRockit JVM.  There are
some detailed info and a sample script to collect these stats in the

However, I was fooled initially because I didn't realize that when you
have a BEA management node handling several servers, then you need to
use a special SNMP community-string to pick up statistics from the
managed servers, rather than the administration-node. So unless you
are running stand-alone BEA servers, these statistics won't be of much
use to you.

But obviously, I do need some performance metrics for my BEA servers,
so it is being worked on. My current setup collects the JRockit
metrics, but also the request-count (serviced, pending, total) and
idle thread count for each of the Java containers - I need to get this
into Hobbit to collect the data, and write up some graph definitions.


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