[Xymon] Strange issue when using local scripts (in linux)

Jeremy Laidman jeremy at laidman.org
Tue Aug 4 03:21:06 CEST 2020

Great to see that the problem has been identified.

I would recommend forcing LANG in your script to a known value, because
that's the code that makes an assumption about the output of rpm.


On Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 10:56, David Boyer <davieb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Jeremy,
>        If you notice, both iterations are being run from the xymonsvr.
> I've added the LANG to see if the
> two report it differently.
> So, by hand it looks:
> [davieb at xymonsvr ~]$ ~xymon/client/local/dateinfo
> dhcp-common,4.3.6,18 Jul 2020,en_US.UTF-8
> Pulling the info out of xymon looks:
> [davieb at xymonsvr ~]$ ~xymon/server/bin/xymon localhost "clientlog
> xymonsvr section=local:dateinfo"
> [local:dateinfo]
> dhcp-common,4.3.6,Jul 18 17:44:26,*C*
> Humm, there does appear to be a difference!  Checking the xymon user
> itself, it UTF-8.
> [xymon at xymonsvr ~]$ echo $LANG
> en_US.UTF-8
> That appears to be the issue though, I set the LANG=C and ran the script
> by hand and get the same results when I pull it from xymon!
> [davieb at xymonsvr ~]$ LANG=C;export LANG
> [davieb at xymonsvr ~]$ ~xymon/client/local/dateinfo
> dhcp-common,4.3.6,Jul 18 17:44:26,C
> Looking at the xymon.sh start script, it does not appear to set it
> anywhere!  Guess I'll need to run that
> to ground in the morning.
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
> Dave
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 8:11 PM Jeremy Laidman <jeremy at laidman.org> wrote:
>> David
>> Update your script to, display the value of the LANG variable in addition
>> to the RPM details (perhaps on a separate line), and see if the value
>> differs between the script output (run from your shell) and the clientlog.
>> I suspect LANG is set in your shell differently from how it's set in the
>> xymon user's shell. RPM (or probably glibc) uses LANG to format the date
>> according to the environment's locale. I'm guessing your shell has LANG set
>> to something like en_US, whereas the xymon user's LANG is set to something
>> like C, or is not set at all.
>> Cheers
>> Jeremy
>> On Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 08:32, David Boyer <davieb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>     I've got a strange date issue.  I've written some local scripts to
>>> pad information onto the combo message. Here is the background:
>>> 1. When you run the script by hand locally (take note of the date):
>>> [davieb at xymonsvr ~]$ ~xymon/client/local/dateinfo
>>> dhcp-common,4.3.6,18 Jul 2020
>>> 2. When I pull the information from xymon server:
>>> [davieb at xymonsvr ~]$ ~xymon/server/bin/xymon localhost "clientlog
>>> xymonsvr section=local:dateinfo"
>>> [local:dateinfo]
>>> dhcp-common,4.3.6,Jul 18 17:44:26
>>> Notice how the date field gets modified?  I can't figure out why. The
>>> only thing I can think of is something within the xymon code, but I don't
>>> know why it would?
>>> Here's the simple script:
>>> [davieb at xymonsvr ~]$ cat ~xymon/client/local/dateinfo
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> OS=`uname -s`
>>> RPM=dhcp-common
>>> if [ ${OS} = "Linux" ]; then
>>>    VERSION=`rpm -q ${RPM} --qf "%{VERSION}\n"`
>>>    INSTALLED=`rpm -q ${RPM} --qf "%{INSTALLTIME:date}\n"|awk {'print $2"
>>> "$3" "$4'}`
>>> fi
>>> echo "${RPM},${VERSION},${INSTALLED}"
>>> Does anybody have any idea what is going on?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
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