[Xymon] Xymondash issues

Christian Herzog herzog at phys.ethz.ch
Wed Feb 27 07:45:00 CET 2019

Hi John,

> Thanks for the reply.  Here is my wget post
> wget http://xymon.imasneezer.com/xymondash/cgi/xymon-ack --post-data="number=814407&msg=workingit&host=mini01.imasneezer.com&test=conn"
2 things: you seem to be missing the min=something value that tells xymon how
long to ack the test, but that's not the problem. The real problem was that
you're using FQDNs (we're not) and we didn't allow '.' in the input values.
Trivial fix, just git pull.


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