[Xymon] SMS options

Ford, Alan Alan.FORD at stanwell.com
Tue Feb 5 01:24:11 CET 2019

In the past I have used an old fashioned voice/fax modem and vgetty software to actually dial and send a voice message to our oncall people (ie me).
This worked really well as SMS is not guaranteed delivery and some people were out of Mobile range. They would divert their mobile to their home line so they could still get the alert. I used a combination of "canned voice messages" and text to voice.

With todays VOIP you get do this soo much easier.  There are also commercial solutions too that you can install and interface with DTMF funcationality too, so you can actually "Press 2" to acknowledge the alert.

Alan Ford
Senior Database Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: Xymon [mailto:xymon-bounces at xymon.com] On Behalf Of Dave "doughnut" Fogarty
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2019 10:17 AM
To: Xymon MailingList
Subject: [Xymon] SMS options

For quite some time, we've been sending alerts via emails to 
<number>@<telco>.tld.  It works, mostly, but I'd like to do better.  I'm 
considering getting a wireless modem (without data), or using a service 
like Twilio.

Does anyone have any warnings or advice beyond the obvious?
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