[Xymon] Force logfetch to only process complete lines?

Galen Johnson solitaryr at gmail.com
Fri May 11 03:12:01 CEST 2018

To be a bit more explicit...this section from the manpage:

*LOGFILE CONFIGURATION ENTRIES        A logfile configuration entry looks
like this:              log:/var/log/messages:10240            ignore MARK
           trigger Oops          The  log:FILENAME:SIZE line defines the
filename of the log, and the maximum amount of data (in bytes) to send to
the Xymon server. FILENAME is usually an explicit full-path filename on the
client. If it is enclosed in backticks, it is a command which the Xymon
client runs and each line of output from this command is then  used  as  a
 filename.  This  allows  scripting which files to monitor, e.g. if you
have logfiles that are named with some sort of timestamp. If FILENAME is
enclosed in angle brackets it is treated as a glob and passed through the
local glob(3) function first.          The ignore PATTERN line (optional)
defines lines in the logfile which are ignored entirely, i.e. they are
stripped from the logfile data  before  sending  it  to  the  Xymon server.
It is used to remove completely unwanted "noise" entries from the logdata
processed by Xymon. "PATTERN" is a regular expression.          The trigger
PATTERN line (optional) is used only when there is more data in the log
than the maximum size set in the "log:FILENAME:SIZE" line.  The "trigger"
pattern is then used to find particularly interesting lines in the logfile
- these will always be sent to the Xymon server. After picking out the
"trigger" lines, any remaining space up  to the maximum size is filled in
with the most recent entries from the logfile. "PATTERN" is a regular

IIRC, you can even have multiple *ignore* entries.  You should have
messages in your xymon logs if the file is too big when it's
fetched...also, I think you will also run up against the Xymon max data
size in the server configs.

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