[Xymon] "Roll-up" of purple alerts and their recoveries.

John Tullis john at executech.com
Thu Sep 21 15:17:20 CEST 2017

For our organization, we rarely have a purple alert that isn't the entire server going offline. So we solved it by only sending purple alert messages for the CPU and wrote a custom message that says, your CPU is purple but it's likely your server is down. Please log in and check it.

Then, in the alerts.cfg file, our rules look like this:

SCRIPT=/path/to/alert.sh name at email.com COLOR=red,yellow RECOVERED REPEAT=720 DURATION>3
SCRIPT=/path/to/purple.sh name at email.com COLOR=purple SERVICE=cpu RECOVERED REPEAT=720 DURATION>3


John Tullis

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Pierre Pitout [ MTN South Africa ] [Jean-Pierre.Pitout at mtn.com]
Received: Thursday, 21 Sep 2017, 3:38AM
To: xymon at xymon.com [xymon at xymon.com]
Subject: Re: [Xymon] "Roll-up" of purple alerts and their recoveries.

Has anyone written a custom script to achieve this?


JP Pitout

On 20/09/2017 10:03, Jean-Pierre Pitout [ MTN South Africa ] wrote:


> Good day,


> I haven't been able to find too much information on this topic.


> Is it possible to configure Xymon to "roll-up" multiple purple alerts as

> well as their respective recoveries into one single event/alert? This is

> mostly just for purple status that causes a multitude of mails.


> Any info would be greatly appreciated.



> Thanks!

> JP Pitout


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John Tullis
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