[Xymon] receiving sms alerts...

Steffan mailinglist at tikklik.nl
Wed Sep 13 10:59:47 CEST 2017

Im using this:

In alerts

script /home/xymon/server/sms/smsalert.pl 31xxxxxx FORMAT=sms







/home/xymon/server/sms/sendsms.php $RCPT "$BBALPHAMSG"






$gsm = $argv[1];

$message = $argv[2];

mail('xxxxx at gmail.com', 'Monitor Alert', $message .  $gsm);

$file = fopen("http://www.targetsms.nl/service/sendsms?username=xxxx&handle=7840ea16c7f3001fe86152bef5b6b727&aff=32879&soort=SMS&originator=Monitor+Alert&to=$gsm&message=$message","r");;



Van: Xymon [mailto:xymon-bounces at xymon.com] Namens Metron 6 (six)
Verzonden: woensdag 13 september 2017 02:47
Aan: Bruce Ferrell <bferrell at baywinds.org>
CC: xymon at xymon.com
Onderwerp: Re: [Xymon] receiving sms alerts...


i cant get it to work....


this is from alerts.cfg


 HOST=%^mt-* SERVICE=conn
      MAIL ezhellas at gmail.com <mailto:ezhellas at gmail.com>  REPEAT=30 RECOVERED
      SCRIPT /usr/local/bin/smsalert.sh 306944420303 FORMAT=SMSthis is smsalert.sh


this is smsalert.sh


echo "Parameters passed by Xymon to the smsalert.sh script: "$RCPT ":" $BBALPHAMSG >> /usr/local/bin/logsms.txt
/usr/local/bin/sendsms.sh $RCPT $BBALPHAMSG

and this is sendsms.sh


echo "parameters passed to sendsms.sh are " $RCPTTO ":" $RCPTTEXT >> /usr/local/bin/logsms.txt
curl -v -u <username>:<password> 'https://www.prosms.gr/secure/api/index.php?mobile_number='$RCPTTO' <https://www.prosms.gr/secure/api/index.php?mobile_number='$RCPTTO'&originator=EZHellas&text='$RCPTTEXT'&request_delivery=true> &originator=EZHellas&text='$RCPTTEXT'&request_delivery=true' >> /usr/local/bin/logsms.txt


This is whats written to the log file:


Parameters passed by Xymon to the smsalert.sh script: 306944420303 : mt-PASCHALIDIS-SERRES:conn red [666942] &red is unreachable
parameters passed to sendsms.sh are  306944420303 : mt-PASCHALIDIS-SERRES:conn


and of course i receive a cropped sms message...

anyone can help ?



On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Bruce Ferrell <bferrell at baywinds.org <mailto:bferrell at baywinds.org> > wrote:
> either of these would do the job:
> php <file that contains the code below>
> or a script that looks like this (adjust the first line to your php location. and define the variables to match the info they gave you):
> #!/usr/bin/php
> <?php
>         // Simple SMS send function
>         function sendSMS($key, $to, $message, $originator) {
>                 $URL = "https://smscenter.gr/api/sms/send?key=" . $key . "&to=" . $to;
>                 $URL .= "&text=" . urlencode( $message ) . '&from=' . urlencode( $originator );
>                 $fp = fopen( $URL, 'r' );
>                 return fread( $fp, 1024 );
>         }
>         // Example of use 
>         $response = sendSMS( 'myapikey', 'recipientnumber', 'My test message', 'from' );
>         echo $response;
> ?>
> On 9/8/17 7:17 AM, Metron 6 (six) wrote:
> hello all, 
> i got a subscription to an SMS gateway, and the script they gave me is this:
> ------------
> <?php
>         // Simple SMS send function
>         function sendSMS($key, $to, $message, $originator) {
>                 $URL = "https://smscenter.gr/api/sms/send?key=" . $key . "&to=" . $to;
>                 $URL .= "&text=" . urlencode( $message ) . '&from=' . urlencode( $originator );
>                 $fp = fopen( $URL, 'r' );
>                 return fread( $fp, 1024 );
>         }
>         // Example of use 
>         $response = sendSMS( 'myapikey', 'recipientnumber', 'My test message', 'from' );
>         echo $response;
> ?>
> -------
> how could i implement it inside alerts.cfg in order to get sms alerts ?
> --
> regards,
> Metron 6 (six)
> Metron6 at gmail.com <mailto:Metron6 at gmail.com> 
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Metron 6 (six)

Metron6 at gmail.com <mailto:Metron6 at gmail.com> 

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