[Xymon] host and test names with dots

Ralph Mitchell ralphmitchell at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 21:22:30 CET 2017

The original BigBrother used just server name and test name, separated by a


When FQDN was introduced into BB, the parts of the fully-qualified hostname
were comma-separated:


I don't know how it deals with multiple dots in the testname.

Ralph Mitchell

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 4:07 PM, John Thurston <john.thurston at alaska.gov>

> On 3/20/2017 10:51 AM, Root, Paul T wrote:
>> Hosts can have dots in them. The default is that you give FQDN.
>> I’ve never tried for a test name. My gut feeling is that you couldn’t do
>> that.
> I can't see how the server would be able to parse the message. Is
> 'foo.bar.com.baz' a test named 'com.baz' for host 'foo.bar', or is it a
> test named 'bar.com.baz' for a host named 'foo'?
> From what I recall of my last read of the source, the parser assumes dot
> is the delimiter, and the last field is the test name. Everything to the
> left of that is the hostname. The above example would be parsed as a test
> named 'baz' for host 'foo.bar.com'
> --
>    Do things because you should, not just because you can.
> John Thurston    907-465-8591
> John.Thurston at alaska.gov
> Enterprise Technology Services
> Department of Administration
> State of Alaska
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