[Xymon] Xymon mtime (on Windows client)

L-M-J linuxmasterjedi at free.fr
Fri Dec 15 16:50:51 CET 2017

Le 2017-12-15 01:56, David Baldwin a écrit :
> Peter,
>  Which client are you running? BBWin or Powershell?
>  I was just dealing with this issue - I have some files that should be
> generated each day and so wanted to check MTIME did not get too old.
> Problem was, when the file was generated it appeared to be really old,
> and took about 11 hours before the test worked - coincidentally what
> the local time zone offset is. Turns out BBWin generates epoch time
> (seconds since 1/1/1970) with timezone offset applied.
>  So I switched to using Powershell client on those hosts and problem
> solved.
>  Windows client XymonPSClient has been updated to v2.27. You can
> download it here:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/xymon/code/HEAD/tree/sandbox/WinPSClient/


   Looking for the same problem. You're saying WinPSClient can help to 
monitor files last access time ?


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