[Xymon] Xymon notifcations disappear due to base64 encoding

Mark Felder feld at feld.me
Thu Feb 5 14:40:13 CET 2015

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015, at 19:05, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> We've wasted time playing with a wrapper for the mail command that would
> strip 
> out the "\r" in the alerts but this has, so far, proven fruitless.
> Messages 
> sent via the Sprint SMS gateway go through just fine. Wondering if
> anybody else 
> has seen this issue, or has any idea what the best way to handle it might
> be? 

I warn you this (probably) isn't exactly what you're looking for, but
I've stopped using the SMS email gateways due to reliability issues and
when things are really going bad -- rate limiting. Instead I've moved to
sending my notifications through Pushover.net which sends (fast!!) push
notifications to phones.

You can send messages two ways: their email gateway, or write a
notification script that uses their REST api. It's very simple. I wrote
this in a few minutes and haven't looked back.


# Xymon env notes:

# BBCOLORLEVEL  The current color of the status
# BBALPHAMSG    The full text of the status log triggering the alert
# ACKCODE       The "cookie" that can be used to acknowledge the alert
# RCPT  The recipient, from the SCRIPT entry
# BBHOSTNAME    The name of the host that the alert is about
# MACHIP        The IP-address of the host that has a problem
# BBSVCNAME     The name of the service that the alert is about
# BBSVCNUM      The numeric code for the service. From SVCCODES
# BBHOSTSVC     HOSTNAME.SERVICE that the alert is about.
# BBHOSTSVCCOMMAS       As BBHOSTSVC, but dots in the hostname replaced
with commas
# BBNUMERIC     A 22-digit number made by BBSVCNUM, MACHIP and ACKCODE.
# RECOVERED     Is "1" if the service has recovered.
# DOWNSECS      Number of seconds the service has been down.
# DOWNSECSMSG   When recovered, holds the text "Event duration : N"
where N is the DOWNSECS value.

APIKEY="your api key here"
USERKEY="your user key here"

# Don't show an ack code if it's 0 (recovered)
[ ${ACKCODE} != 0 ] && ACK="[${ACKCODE}]"
# vm.feld.me:procs red [45595]


${CURL} -q -s --form-string "token=${APIKEY}" --form-string
"user=${USERKEY}" --form-string "message=${MESSAGE}" ${URL} 1>/dev/null

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