[Xymon] Made changes to hosts.cfg but Web Pages are not updating

Don Kuhlman Don.Kuhlman at schawk.com
Fri Mar 2 22:57:36 CET 2012

Hi. I've been looking at the man pages and trying to figure this out, but I'm sure I'm missing something.
I made some changes to my hosts.cfg for the main structure.
I had Application Servers, Workstations, and Infrastructure on the main page with subpages under each.
I added several groups to the Application servers page, but now when I go to the web, the Application Servers or applications.html page is not getting re-generated. It also shows its date as yesterday in the right corner.
I have put the old hosts.cfg file back and it still isn't updating.
I've rebooted the server
Restarted the httpd daemon
Did xymon.sh reload
Xymon.sh restart

Can someone point me to where or which piece generates the new updated webpages or how to find what's wrong?


Don K

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