Hobbit -> Xymon migration

Stef Coene stef.coene at docum.org
Thu Jan 22 14:14:45 CET 2009


I just migrated some of our Hobbit servers to Xymon.

Some background information:
- compiled from source
- all files are checked in in subversion
- all files are installed in /home/users/hobbit/server
- the data directory is /home/users/hobbit/data
- the client is installed in an other directory and is not migrated (it is 
integrated with other management tools)
- ubuntu 8.10

Steps done to upgrade from Hobbit to Xymon:
- stop hobbit server as user hobbit

- change the account hobbit:
   - change username: usermod -l xymon hobbit
   - change home dir: usermod -d /home/users/xymon xymon

- mv /home/users/hobbit /home/users/xymon

- compile xymon from source and install all files in /home/users/xymon/server
   -> all config files are migrated from hobbit to xymon except 1 file but I 
don't remember wich one :(  I think it was hobbitserver.cfg and that 3 
variables for the urls still point to /hobbit.

- Start xymon server as user xymon

These are the basic steps.  The most important step is the rename of the 
directory so that if you do a 'make install', alle the config files are 
migrated to Xymon.

I did this for 1 server.  The other servers are migrated with subversion by 
switching to a new repository with 'svn switch'.

I also added this to hobbit-apache.cfg so all old hobbit url's are redirected 
to the xymon equivalent:

# Redirect van hobbit naar xymon url
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/hobbit/(.*)        /xymon/$1        [R]
RewriteRule ^/hobbit-cgi/(.*)    /xymon-cgi/$1    [R]
RewriteRule ^/hobbit-seccgi/(.*) /xymon-seccgi/$1 [R]


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