[hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client

Lennon, Padraig Padraig.Lennon at pioneerinvestments.com
Sun Aug 17 13:40:58 CEST 2008

Hi Johan,
The script should be used on the hobbit server, NOT the client side as
you are checking that the link from the server to the client is ok. It
is bad practice to run the software as root. You should really use a
dedicated user for the installs of hobbit.
1. You should setup ssh public/private key between the hobbit
application user (normally hobbit or something similar) and whatever
user you used on the client. This is normally hobbit too
4. An example of the bb-host entry is the following server.domain.com # noconn ssh-tunnel  (You should leave the
noconn there if you do not allow outgoing pings to the DMZ host.
5. This is an example of my client hobbitclient.cfg file  (at the top) -
Change the BBDISP (this may have changed in 4.3??)
# Environment settings for the Hobbit client.
BBDISP=""             # IP address of the Hobbit server


Padraig Lennon
Senior Systems Engineer
Production Services
Pioneer Global Investments (Dublin)
5th Floor Georges Quay Plaza, Dublin 2
ext: 2081
Direct dial: 00353 1 480 2081


From: Johan Booysen [mailto:johan at matrix-data.co.uk] 
Sent: 15 August 2008 11:22
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client

I wonder if you'd mind helping me out on this.


I've followed the instructions on
http://www.trantor.org/theshire/doku.php/addons:ssh_tunnel, but must be
missing something somewhere.


I've got the following:


1.       Password-less ssh between the server and the clients (for both
hobbit and root users, to be sure)

2.       The ssh-tunnels script copied to the appropriate location,
chmodded to 750:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5469 Aug 15 09:05

3.       Added the following to
    ENVFILE /usr/lib/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg
    CMD $BBHOME/ext/ssh-tunnels.sh
    LOGFILE $BBSERVERLOGS/ssh-tunnels.log

4.       Appended the following to client entries in bb-hosts
(deliberately trying both ssh_tunnels and ssh_tunnel):    servername       ssh_tunnels    servername       ssh_tunnel

5.       On the clients I've got this in /etc/default/hobbit-client:


So the one thing I'm missing is where to set BBDISPLAY to on
the client.  Is this different from having HOBBITSERVERS="" in


Restart the hobbit server, but the above don't seem to be doing the
trick.  /var/log/hobbit/ssh-tunnels.log is empty at this stage.


Would appreciate it if you could tell me if I've missed out on something
somewhere, or the best way of troubleshooting this.  The way I've done
it before with the ssh tunnels being established via /etc/rc.local does
not appear work out as well as I thought it would.



From: Lennon, Padraig [mailto:Padraig.Lennon at pioneerinvestments.com] 
Sent: 14 August 2008 17:05
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client


Not sure if this is of any use to you Johan..



I have a server side script which controls the ssh tunnels to my
windows/*nix clients which are in the DMZ


Basically it requires that you put a tag at the end of the client name
in bb-hosts called ssh-tunnel


Its hardly a work of art but it works ok for us.. If it sees the
connection is down it will warn and continue to retry the connection..


Hope this helps..






Padraig Lennon

Senior Systems Engineer

Production Services

Pioneer Global Investments (Dublin)

5th Floor Georges Quay Plaza, Dublin 2

ext: 2081

Direct dial: 00353 1 480 2081




From: Johan Booysen [mailto:johan at matrix-data.co.uk] 
Sent: 14 August 2008 16:57
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client

I want to be able to monitor 2 hosts in the dmz.


Having su -c "ssh hobbit at hobbitclient -T -n -N -g -x
-R1984:" hobbit in /etc/rc.local seems to work for the
first host.  I added a second line like that for a second host, but it
doesn't work for the second host unless I execute the command manually -
at which point both dmz hosts report back.


Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can get it to work?




From: Johan Booysen [mailto:johan at matrix-data.co.uk] 
Sent: 14 August 2008 14:02
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client


This works for me (RHEL5 machines), if it helps anyone else.  Any
comments most welcome:


Create the .ssh folder (on both the hobbit server and the hobbit client)
in /var/lib/hobbit as root, chown it to hobbit:hobbit, and chmod it to


On the hobbit server, now as the hobbit user:


Generate a private/public keypair with an empty password:


$ pwd



$ ssh-keygen -t dsa


Copy the generated public key to the hobbit client:


$ scp .ssh/id_dsa.pub hobbit at hobbitclient:/var/lib/hobbit



On the hobbit client:


Rename the public key:


$ mv id_dsa.pub authorized_keys


Copy the authorized_keys file to the user's .ssh directory. 


$ mv authorized_keys .ssh/


Check that the authorized_keys file has the following permissions:


-rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 603 Aug 14 12:16 authorized_keys


>From the server, log on to the client.  You should not be prompted for a


Modify the hobbit server's /etc/rc.local:


  su -c "ssh hobbit at hobbitclient -T -n -N -g -x -R1984:"


Configure /etc/default/hobbit-client on the hobbit client in the DMZ to
connect to localhost:




Add the client to /etc/hobbit/bb-hosts on the hobbit server:    target_machine


From: Johan Booysen [mailto:johan at matrix-data.co.uk] 
Sent: 14 August 2008 13:26
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client


Just to clarify:


I've set up ssh keys authentication between the hobbit server and a
client in our DMZ, for the hobbit user.


I can ssh from server to client without entering a password, so it


If I run ssh hobbit at x.x.x.x -T -n -N -g -x -R1984: from
the commanline on the server, communications between server and client


If I add ssh hobbit at -T -n -N -g -x -R1984: either
to initttab or  /etc/rc.local, then the client stops reporting (after a
server reboot).


Anyone know what I should do?




From: Johan Booysen [mailto:johan at matrix-data.co.uk] 
Sent: 14 August 2008 12:49
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client




Do you just simply add that command to inittab?





From: Perumal, Santoshbabu [mailto:santoshbabu_perumal at platts.com] 
Sent: 13 August 2008 19:20
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client


HI Daniel


   Thanks for your steps. Yes my target machine is UNIX box.



from the hobbit server , run from inittab   (I don't understand run from
innittab ..I can run the below command from command line shell promt

ssh user at taregt_machine -T -n -N -g -x -R1984:  



on the target machine, set the hobbit client to connect to localhost
--I have to edit hobbitclient.cfg and change BBDISP value to
right..want to make sure...



Also hobbit server has to communicate with target machines(clients) on
port 1984 right.otherwise this step does not work right.








From: Daniel Bourque [mailto:dbourque at weatherdata.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:52 PM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] need help in monitoring edmz client


If the target machine is unix/linux. The simplest way is to use ssh keys
& tunneling.

from the hobbit server , run from inittab   

ssh user at taregt_machine -T -n -N -g -x -R1984:

on the target machine, set the hobbit client to connect to localhost.

Daniel Bourque
Sr. Systems Engineer
WeatherData Service Inc
An Accuweather Company

Perumal, Santoshbabu wrote: 



   We have some servers in edmz.port 1984 is blocked by firewall.so
client cannot able to communicate with hobbit server on port 1984.when I
search around I read about msgcache,hobbitfetch utilities but I am not
familiar with that. can anyone please give me the configuration steps
that I need to make on both server side and edmz client site. 


Thanks in advance 






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