[hobbit] mysql connections

Jones, Jason (Altrincham) JasonAS_Jones at mentor.com
Mon Mar 5 11:52:53 CET 2007

My guess is the problem is what it says in that the number is not a
simple integer, try going to 2 decimal places instead of three if






From: Sabeer MZ [mailto:sabeer.mz at gmail.com] 
Sent: 05 March 2007 10:42
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] mysql connections


Dear all,

Any comments on below errors. I am not able to see graphs for the data
And I see below errors on /var/log/hobbit/rrd-stastus.log

2007-03-05 02:34:05 RRD error updating
/home/hobbit/data/rrd/abx.acc.com/mysql.rrd from not a
simple integer: '13.617'
2007-03-05 02:34:16 RRD error updating
/home/hobbit/data/rrd/abcx.abccom/mysql.rrd from : not a
simple integer: '106.435'
2007-03-05 02:35:16 RRD error updating
/home/hobbit/data/rrd/abc.abc.com/mysql.rrd from not a
simple integer: '106.435 '

Sabeer MZ

On 3/2/07, Sabeer MZ <sabeer.mz at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks. Finally i am able to run the perl script and getting the results
in the hobbit server.

one issue: my graphs are not coming. pls find below rrd-staus.log error
details ...

2007-03-02 02:28:24 RRD error updating
/home/hobbit/data/rrd/tor.abc.com/mysql.rrd from not a
simple integer: '0.024'
2007-03-02 02:32:51 RRD error updating
/home/hobbit/data/rrd/jacc3.zbc.com/mysql.rrd from : not
a simple integer: '13.910'
2007-03-02 02:38:25 RRD error updating
/home/hobbit/data/rrd/abc.example.com/mysql.rrd from not
a simple integer: '0.024 '
2007-03-02 02:42:53 RRD error updating
/home/hobbit/data/rrd/abc.exam.com/mysql.rrd from : not
a simple integer: '13.908'

Sabeer MZ


On 3/1/07, Dominique Frise <Dominique.Frise at unil.ch > wrote:

Sabeer MZ wrote:
> Hi all,
> cloud anyone help me why there is no graphs showing for me.
> I am trying to monitor mysql connections using bb-mysql.pl.
> 1. /etc/bb-hosts
> hostname TRENDS:*,mysql:mysqlslow,mysqlthread
> 2. 3 entries for mysql at hobbitserver.cfg
> TEST2RRD="cpu=la,disk,------cut--------,ports,clock,lines",mysql=ncv"
> GRAPHS="la,mysql,disk,-------cut-------clock,lines"
> NCV_mysql="Uptime:NONE,Queriespersecondavg:GAUGE,Slowqueries:GAUGE"
> 3. my hobbitgraph.cfg
> [mysqlslow] 
>         DEF:slow=mysql.rrd:Slowqueries:AVERAGE
>         TITLE MySQL Slow Queries
>         YAXIS #
>         LINE2:slow#00CCCC:Slow Queries
>         COMMENT:\n
>         GPRINT:slow:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur) 
>         GPRINT:slow:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)
>         GPRINT:slow:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)
>         GPRINT:slow:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n
> [mysqlthread]
>         DEF:threads= mysql.rrd:Threads:AVERAGE 
>         TITLE MySQL Active Threads
>         YAXIS #
>         AREA:threads#00CCCC:Threads
>         COMMENT:\n
>         GPRINT:threads:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)
>         GPRINT:threads:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max) 
>         GPRINT:threads:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)
>         GPRINT:threads:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n
> --
> Warm Regards
> Sabeer MZ

Double-check your settings using the documentation from your Hobbit 
installation at

or use Henrik's:


UNIL - University of Lausanne

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Warm Regards
Sabeer MZ 

Warm Regards
Sabeer MZ 

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