two issues

Mike Eggleston mikeegg1 at
Tue Dec 18 23:28:43 CET 2007

The first is I'm moving my hobbit montior from one box to
another. The server on the new box keeps trying to send
messages to the non-existent server on the old box. I've
looked in ~/etc/* for mentions of the old server name,
the old server IP, and bbd, and I've stopped and started
the server on the new box. I've not found the magic key
yet. Any ideas?

The second is on a mac osx box, two actually, where crond
is more fluid. I need a setting where crond can be zero
or one processes. I've changed etc/hobbit-clients.cfg,
but I don't have the magic key yet here either. My current
settints are 'PROC crond 0 10' just to shut things up. Any


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