[Hobbit] Disk,CPU,Memory working Procs not

Lars Lars.Reidelbach at gmx.de
Sun Dec 16 17:24:05 CET 2007


hope someone can help me. I have a hobbit installation and will monitor some 
Ports and Proc from a server.
The client is installed and I become informations about disk, cpu, memory and 
messages. But the rules to procs doesn't work. Why?

hobbit-client.cfg on server

        PROC cron 1 -1 yellow
        LOG /var/log/messages
        DIR /home/worker

        # These are the built-in defaults.
        UP      1m
        LOAD    5.0 10.0
        DISK    * 90 95
        MEMPHYS 100 101
        MEMSWAP 50 80
        MEMACT  90 97

localclient.cfg on client
        UP      1m
        DISK    * 70 85
        PROC cron 1 -1 yellow
        DIR /home/worker
        FILE /var/log/messages

        # These are the built-in defaults.
        UP      1h
        LOAD    5.0 10.0
        DISK    * 90 95
        MEMPHYS 100 101
        MEMSWAP 50 80
        MEMACT  90 97
        PROC cron 1 -1 yellow

best regards,

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