[hobbit] addon: os and critical icon

John Glowacki johng at idttechnology.com
Mon Aug 20 17:13:50 CEST 2007

T.J. Yang wrote:
> I am in the process of writing an hb server side add-on script (learn
> from rootlogin.pl)  to do OS counting.
> Ie, adapting "rootlogin" perl script do some OS counting from incoming
> bb messages stream.
> hoping to get a page that can list out OS versions and subtotals of
> different OS that hobbit server currently monitored. There is no ETA for
> oscount.pl, it could be faster if my management push for it ;)
> ps: I think ntop has some OS icons for hb community to reuse, if we
> really want to implement OS icons, I might need OS icons for my
> oscount.pl project
> T.J. Yang

If you are using hobbit clients, you should be able to pull much of what
you want from hobbitdboard and bb clientlog.

bb "hobbitdboard test=cpu fields=BBH_OS"|sort |uniq -c
     11 linux
     66 sunos

To get more detail you can pull it with bb clientlog.

for i in `bb "hobbitdboard fields=hostname" | sort -u`
   bb "clientlog $i section=uname,osversion"


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