[hobbit] Graphing help needed

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Tue Feb 7 12:32:50 CET 2006

On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 11:26:22AM +0100, brandste at hebis.de wrote:
> Hi, i still have the problem that with our hobbit we are unable
> to generate more then de daily graph.
> Plese feel free to bash us for stupidity or maybe helb us with
> an easy way to get this problem solved.

Did you try clicking on that daily graph ? It's a link to the
graphs that go further back in time.

> ***Which graphs to show by default (1d/1w/4w/1y/all) [all]
> We would like to have all (so against the starting lines) hence
> we said YES to all...

Ah, OK - those are the text-mode history availability graphs.
I know this is confusing, and in fact I've removed that question from
the configure script in the next version.


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