bbtest-net output & poll time

Schwimmer, Eric E *HS EES2Y at
Mon Apr 4 22:09:34 CEST 2005

Hi all, got another few posers:

I have a bb-hosts file with 1229 hosts in it, but no TCP (http/ssh/ftp) enabled. 
In my hobbitlaunch.cfg, I have bbnet configured as follows:

CMD bbtest-net --report --ping --checkresponse --dns=ip --concurrency=1500 --dns-timeout=5 --timeout=5

The bbtest output for my hobbit server shows the following snippets:
DNS statistics:
 # hostnames resolved  :     1220
 # succesful           :       25
 # failed              :      975
 # calls to dnsresolve :        0

Event                                            Starttime          Duration
bbtest-net startup                       1112644638.542264                 -
Service definitions loaded               1112644638.545180          0.002916 
Tests loaded                             1112644659.079652         20.534472 
DNS lookups completed                    1112644659.080039          0.000387 
Test engine setup completed              1112644659.089031          0.008992 
TCP tests completed                      1112644659.089883          0.000852 
PING test completed (1229 hosts)         1112644712.816387         53.726504 
PING test results sent                   1112644713.047301          0.230914 
Test result collection completed         1112644713.047324          0.000023 
LDAP test engine setup completed         1112644713.047339          0.000015 
LDAP tests executed                      1112644713.047369          0.000030 
LDAP tests result collection completed   1112644713.047384          0.000015 
Test results transmitted                 1112644713.101506          0.054122 
bbtest-net completed                     1112644713.104883          0.003377 
TIME TOTAL                                                         74.562619 

I thought that the --dns=ip option in the hobbitlaunch.cfg precluded any DNS resolution, but the bbtest output above seems to indicate the opposite.  Does anybody know what those DNS tests are the result of?

Also, I'm a bit curious as to the chronlogical breakdown of the bbtest events;
specifically the "Tests Loaded" section.  Does 20 seconds seem reasonable for
a bb-hosts file our our size? (I'm trying desperately to get below the 60 second mark :)

Network Engineer
University of Virginia HSCS

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