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Re: [xymon] All graph titles missing

In <AANLkTimdeaSDMJLk+z0bWQJsUvvckcweABDMT05G04RZ (at) mail.gmail.com> Daniel Smith <rrdansmith (at) gmail.com> writes:

>It impacts all graphs - both custom and default.
>Here is one from my server's trends page:
>xymon_trends_graphs.png: http://www.filesavr.com/AP6ZD40QJ4DUS5R
>And another of the xymongen column:
>xymon_xymongen_graph.png: http://www.filesavr.com/CBY8KM9523UQHH9

Looks like an RRDtool problem. Are you using rrdtool 1.2, perhaps?
Font handling there was ... interesting - run "rrdtool version"
to check what version you have.

This post has some info about a similar problem:
